Service Provider

Are You Ready to Take Your Business to the Next Level?

Join ImmiYami for FREE to Grow Your Business and Meet New Clients

Are You One of These Service Providers?

If you are a service provider in the emigration industry, then you know how important it is to reach potential clients. ImmiYami is a new online platform that connects emigration service providers with potential clients in Sri Lanka. We are committed to making the emigration process more efficient and seamless for everyone involved.

  • Student visa consultant
  • Migration Lawyers
  • IELTS Teachers
  • Language Schools
  • Job recruiters
  • Overseas Medical Providers
  • Travel Agents

Benefits for you !

There are many benefits to registering your visa consultancy business with ImmiYami. Here are just a few:

  • Increased visibility and reach: ImmiYami is a well-marketed platform that will help you reach more potential clients than ever before.
  • Improved customer acquisition: ImmiYami makes it easy for clients to find and compare different visa consultants.
  • Free classified ads: For a limited time, we are offering all visa consultants free classified ads for at least a year.This is a great way to promote your business to potential clients.
  • No upfront fees: There are no upfront fees to join the ImmiYami supplier program. How to Get Started

To get started, simply visit our website and click on the "login" button and sign up as a supplier.